Middelalderbyen Places of Interest

City Hall (Københavns Rådhus)

Københavns Rådhus

At first glance, it may seem that this is a medieval structure, but it is just over a hundred years old, and this is the sixth building of the city Hall, the second and fifth still exist, the rest were lost during fires (read more )

Pedestrian Shopping Street Strøget

Copenhagen. Strøget

Kongens Nitorv square is connected to Rådhuspladsen by Strøget street. This is the most popular tourist destination in Copenhagen and one of the longest pedestrian shopping areas in Europe, with a length of 1.1 kilometers (read more )

The Stork Fountain

The Stork Fountain, Copenhagen

The main attraction of the square Amager is the Storkespringvandet, opened in honor of the silver wedding of Frederick VIII and crown Princess Louise in 1894 (read more )

Pride Parade on the Rådhuspladsen

Copenhagen, Pride parade

When I reached the Rådhuspladsen, I found that there was a mass event going on. At first, I thought I was on a citywide holiday, and the rainbow flags on the stage didn't mean anything to me, I just didn't know what they meant (read more )